Summary of Article 10 Intervenor Funding Process
“Intervenor” is the name used to refer to a party, other than the applicant or the staff of the reviewing public agency, that joins a case or proceeding as a third party for the protection of an interest.
Article 10 applicants, like the Eight Point Wind Energy Center, are required, at several stages, to provide funds to be used to defray certain expenses incurred by municipal and local parties when participating in an Article 10 proceeding. These funds are known as “intervenor” funds and are collected by assessing an “intervenor” fee on the applicant.
The presiding examiner from the Department of Public Service will award funds on an equitable basis to participants during the pre-application phase. The funds may be used to make an effective contribution to review of the preliminary scoping statement, and thereby provide early and effective public involvement.
All municipal and local parties are eligible. The presiding examiner shall reserve at least 50% of the pre-application funds for potential awards to municipalities.
To reach the presiding examiner please contact the Department of Public Service.
For more information, visit the Department of Public Service’s Article 10 FAQs page.